Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Phase Change

A place for a moment
An end to a dream
Forever I loved you
Forever it seemed
--The Motels

At 32 degrees, water turns to ice with little transition. Temperature drops a fraction of a degree and liquid turns to solid.

Crowd behavior is similar. The herd moves in particular direction until a small, perhaps indiscernable stimulus prompts the masses to change course.

Throughout history, all major inflations, defined here as large declines in purchasing power of money, have occurred relatively suddenly. Although plenty of warning signs go up that the value of money is being destroyed, the public continues to believe that the institution called the dollar will remain stable.

Then, something causes confidence in the currency to rapidly disintegrate. People being unloading dollars in their wallet in favor of things perceived to hold more value. The dollar falls more. Then more dollars are sold.


We are headed toward a repeat of history. Central banks are printing $trillions. We see it but don't act. Suddenly, one day, we will act en masse.

And the dollar quickly joins the list of currencies that are no more.


dgeorge12358 said...

Paper money is like dram-drinking, it relieves for a moment by deceitful sensation, but gradually diminishes the natural heat, and leaves the body worse than it found it. Were not this the case, and could money be made of paper at pleasure, every sovereign in Europe would be as rich as he pleased. But the truth is, that it is a bubble and the attempt vanity. Nature has provided the proper materials for money: gold and silver, and any attempt of ours to rival her is ridiculous….

~Thomas Paine (1737 - 1809)

fordmw said...

Great quote.