Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Si Si, Puede!

So don't tell anybody what I wanna do
If they find out you know they'll never let me though

Drawing heavily from this video, Prof Williams discusses the politics associated with illegal immigration and the border wall. The obvious take away from the data is the reversal among many on the left from being against illegal immigration to being for it.

What motivated the flip flop? Politics, pure and simple. Previously it paid politically to be against illegal immigration if your were a Democrat in order to kowtow to power labor groups in the U.S. who wanted protection from competition.

Today leftists see illegal immigrants as associated with a large voting bloc that could elevate the Democratic party into positions of power for some time to come.

Sprinkle in rancor for all things Donald Trump and it is easy to see why Democrats don't mind  their blatant hypocrisy on display.

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