I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightning
I see bad times today
--Creedence Clearwater Rivival
Couple of interesting charts. First (Chart 3) presents a ratio of resource vs biotech ETFs alongside the yield on the German 5 yr bund since 2010. The relationship is readily apparent. Lower yields favor biotech ETFs (a proxy for speculative risk taking in 'tech') relative to price of resource ETFs (a proxy for inflation and conservative positioning in 'stuff' stocks).
Now, as rates climb higher, the ratio is moving in favor of resource ETFs. Note that the ratio has lots of room to move higher, as suggested by the previous peak in 2010-2011.
The second chart plots central bank liquidity (presumably the aggregate assets on central bank balance sheets mostly due to asset buying programs associated with quantitative easing) alongside the market cap of the FAANG+ group which, due to their immense size can be seen as proxies for the overall market--particularly the tech side. This can be seen a slightly different take on this important chart.
The relationship could not be more obvious. The trillion$ of money printed out of thin air to fund central banks asset purchases has goosed stock prices higher.
With central banks now signaling a reversal of QE programs as they address surging prices of goods and services, the ramifications of doing so are ominous for stocks--particularly those of the speculative FAANG variety.
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