Monday, March 21, 2022

Lead Through Neutrality

"His voice traveled with such a still purpose. It was more than a voice...a man more than a man. He said, 'Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.'"
--Esther (Ben-Hur)

Country A and B are engaging in armed conflict. Country C, if it truly desires peace, does not pick a side. It does not join A or B in battle. It does not supply arms to A or B. It doesn't levy economic sanctions on A or B. It does not berate A or B in the media.

If it does any of these, then C reveals itself as a partisan cohort of war.

The peaceful stance is neutrality. Engage in trade with A and B. Seek to mediate, to understand the concerns of both sides. Volunteer to host discussions between A and B that would bring an end to violence.

Lead through neutrality.

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