Tuesday, December 21, 2021


I say, we can go where we want to
To a place where they'll never find
And we can act like we come from out of this world
Leave the real one far behind

--Men Without Hats

Heather Mac Donald discusses the fear once again being manufactured by the public health/media dyad as the Omicron variant of CV19 becomes more prevalent. She aregues that this tandem has been employing the following playbook since the pandemic's early days:

1) Create a group norm of fear.

2) Buttress group fear with 'expert opinion.'

3) Manufacture epistemological uncertainty and insist on that uncertainty as long as possible.

4) Bury both the good news and those dissenters who question the bad news narrative.

5) Omit relevant context.

6) Flog the case count.

I particularly liked Mac Donald's word 'safetyism.' She theorizes that women are the driving force behind safetyism's conquest to US public health policy and the American mind in general. She also suggests that the dominance of women in corporate HR departments explains the ongoing deferral of back-to-work plans and restrictions that strangle what little remains of office life.

This is a nice claim--one that has absolutely zero chance of permeating mainstream channels.

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