Friday, December 17, 2021

Medical Malpractice

"Joe, to the best of my knowledge, I've never failed a patient through inadequacy or neglect. You've made me part of your failure now. You know, we've been friends for a long time, Joe. I've covered for you. I've helped you fight your battles upstairs. But this time...if this baby help me, God, I'm going to take you before the medical board...and I'm gonna break you in two."
--Dr Charles Dornberger (The Young Doctors)

Interesting interview with Dr Peter McCullough, a pioneer in early treatment of CV19--both in terms of the general pandemic timeline and in treatment for individual infection. He explains his collaborative efforts to devise multi-drug treatments to CV19 cases based on matching symptoms with prior research and experience.

He also explains the tremendous pushback to these treatments by the establishment, including A-list journals such as New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet. It appears, from where he sits, that fraudulent papers on the issue have been published in both journals and that, based on his experience as a journal editor, the review processes were manipulated.

He also notes that 'risk stratification'--the notion that 'we don't have to treat everybody'--became apparent early in the process.

Meanwhile, prestigious medical universities such as Duke and Harvard lack treatment protocols for CV19.

It is also interesting to note that currently no random control trial work is underway to evaluate the long-term effects of various treatment options. We are now two years into the onset of this virus.

Obvious questions continue to surface about why the medical community in general, and particularly the academic medical community, continues to shun scientific principles and practices that have been successfully utilized in previous public health situations. 

It is difficult to conclude that this malpractice has been anything but intentional.  

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