Thursday, July 1, 2021

Childhood Endangerment

They are seeing through the promises
And all the lies they dare to tell
Is is heaven or hell?
They know very well


Children walking to school with masks. Children on commercials with masks. Masked children have become, well, the poster children of this pandemic.

Absolute lunacy. Since the beginning, the data have overwhelmingly indicated that risk to children is miniscule. Evidence also suggests that children do not transmit the disease.

I have wondered about the damage that masking does to children. Psychologically. Socially.

But also physically. A recent study published in a JAMA pediatrics journal indicates that children inhale air while wearing masks, they take in nearly 4-5x more carbon dioxide than when unmasked. This result is also orders of magnitude above the legal CO2 limit for room air.

And children are doing this for hours at a time.

Why isn't this considered childhood endangerment?

And when will results of similarly designed studies on adult subjects emerge?

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