Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Voids and Cultural Marxism

"His brain has not only been washed, as they say. It has been dry cleaned."
--Dr Yen Lo (The Manchurian Candidate)

Dennis Prager argues that Americans are losing their freedom because they lack meaning in their lives. He posits that four factors contribute to meaning: religion, family, work, patriotism. All of them are fading in America, and leftist ideology is filling the void.

Interesting as far as it goes. But Prager stops short of explaining why those factors are fading. 

Programs of cultural Marxism have been primary contributors. Active for decades, these programs have been transmitted through school systems, mainstream media, entertainment, and other channels into the psyches of Americans. Brains are being re-wired to reject traditional values, ethics, and ability to reason.

Cutting those ties creates the voids that Prager discusses. Those voids make the brain receptive to lies--so believe the cultural Marxists.

The point is that the extent to which Americans perceive less meaning in their lives is no accident that leftists are opportunistically and suddenly exploiting. Rather, it is the result of a calculated strategy that has been in motion for some time.

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