Monday, September 7, 2020

Over Reporting Deaths

In violent times
You shouldn't have to sell your soul
In black and white
They really, really ought to know
--Tears for Fears

Some people claim that CV19 death counts are accurate or in vastly under reported. Why, then, do we see the following practices?

1) With vs From. Counting deaths of people thought to have CV19 (either now or in the past) rather than deaths of people who die because of CV19.

2) Legacy Death Laundering. Looking at past records (possibly months ago) for deaths that can be attributed to CV19 and reporting their occurrence today.
Under reported? No way. These bogus practices tell us health officials, politicians, and their media lackeys are all working to over report CV19 deaths.

We have a classic agency problem.

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

Months ago, read that under the CARES Act, the government will pay hospitals 20% more for Medicare patients with COVID-19.