Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Reported vs Occurred

Help, I'm stepping into the twilight zone
Place is a madhouse
Feels like being cold
--Golden Earring

We've discussed the manipulation of death counts using the backdating approach previously in the long train of CV19 data corruption. Here is a nice analysis of recent Florida data.

The blue bars represent the day the deaths were reported by the health dept...and the media over a recent four day. The yellow bars represent the date those deaths actually occurred.

If you merely follow the headlines, then you're being led to believe the CV19 deaths have been spiking higher over the past few days. In reality, only 37% of those reported deaths actually occurred during those four days. The rest occurred days, even weeks back.

This is epic misrepresentation of the situation. The data manipulation going on here is despicable.

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