Saturday, September 7, 2013

Chaotic Blindness

"Who would have ever believed that human beings would have been stupid enough to blow themselves off the face of the earth?"
--Julian Osborne (On the Beach)

The Misesean chaos endpoint draws ever nearer. Crushing debt, massive currency debasement, stifling government intervention, escalating threat of war. All symptoms of the authoritarian mechanism of socialism.

The warning signs surround us. Yet complacency abounds. People are unable to see the cliff or sense separation from it.

History suggests that people generally come to their senses only when impact is imminent.

1 comment:

dgeorge12358 said...

The cognizance of reality is a sad experience. It teaches the limits on the satisfaction of ones wishes. Only reluctantly does man resign himself to the insight that there are things, viz., the whole complex of all causal relations between events, which wishful thinking cannot alter.
~Ludwig von Mises