Monday, August 1, 2022

In the Dogma House

Carmen Sternwood: What's your name?
Philip Marlowe: Doghouse Reilley
Carmen Sternwood: That's a funny kind of name.
Philip Marlowe: You think so?

--The Big Sleep

Dogma is belief accepted by a group without question or debate. It stands to reason that the higher the preference for collectivism among members of a group, the more likely that dogma will reside within the group.

How to counter such groupthink? One way is to avoid affiliations. As Jefferson understood, belonging to groups tends to cloud judgment.

Outside viewpoints are also useful as they bring fresh perspective. Of course, outsiders are typically unwelcome in collectivist circles as they threat group cohesion.

Finally, there is reason. Applying logic and scientific thinking toward dogmatic principles commonly lays groupthink to waste.

Should it be surprising, then, that leftists increasingly claim reason and critical thinking to be racist and inflammatory?

They need to quell the threat to group cohesion somehow.

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