Sunday, May 24, 2020

Time is Ticking

Tanneran: Louden, this poem mean anything to you at all?
Louden Swain: Yeah. Kind of. I figure the girl in the poem's about my age. She's feeling sad about the leaves falling from the trees. And what the poet tells her is what she's really sad about is that she's beginning to realize she'll die someday too. The thing is, she's already dying.
Tanneran: Is that a good thing to realize, or do you think we'd be better off not thinking about it?
Louden Swain: I don't know. Nobody likes think about it. I don't like to think about it. But if you don't, you might go through life thinking you've got plenty of time. You put off the really important stuff until later. And before you know it, there's no more time left, and you've blown it.
Tanneran: That's not bad, Louden. That's not bad at all.
--Vision Quest

Many people have spent the last 8 weeks or longer holed up at home. The key word is 'spent.' They have spent a portion of their lives that they will never get back.

What have they spent it on? Idle time. Feelings of safety, security.

I can't imagine a worse trade.

God gave us life and the freedom to live it. But our time here is limited. Using that scarce resource to the utmost requires risk taking, not risk aversion.

Time is ticking.

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