Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Straight On Socialists

Now I know I got to play my hand
What the winner don't know
The gambler understands

For many years socialists have adhered to a gradualist approach for implementing their agenda in the United States. Recognizing that they would be rejected outright if they tried to force too much down the throats of the American public at one time, socialists have slowed it down, piecing out their policies incrementally. That's how the frog gets boiled--by turning up the heat a little at a time.

Recently, however, socialists seem to be shedding their measured approach in favor of straight on assault. Gradualism is being replaced with resistance, disruption, and overt affiliation with socialist ideals and organizations.

Many people are fearful of this overt socialist 'threat.' What if it catches on?

On the other hand, what if it wakes people up? People who have been sleeping while socialists were quietly robbing them of liberty might come to and decide to push back.

It is easy to wonder if socialists have fully thought through their new straight on strategy.

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